Monday, October 2, 2023

Welcome to the End ... and the Beginning!

Yes, this is the LAST post on the Moon Memories Blog. Why?

Because it's the LAST item in my Moon scrapbook!  Everything else is already here!  But what's last ... is a doozy.
It's the front page from the July 21, 1969 Tulsa World.

And why, in the post title, did I mention a beginning?  because, God willing, our future on the Moon, and in space, is only beginning!

Well, that's the end of this blog.  Please tell your space-nut friends about the space-age wonders herein!

Monday, September 25, 2023

I Hope You Prayed, Too

... Assuming you were alive at the time.
This article is from the July 21, 1969 Tulsa World.

I pray you'll join me next Monday for the LAST-ever post on this Moon Memories blog!

Monday, September 18, 2023

How Accurate Do YOU Think?

This article is from the July 20, 1969 Tulsa World.
Some of this info may or may not have been "borrowed" from a similar article published in May 1969 in Look magazine, posted here a year ago.

See you next Monday!

Monday, September 11, 2023

A Texas Welcome

This is from the August 17, 1969 Tulsa World.
You could get cynical and make snarky observations about sand in their boots or rattlesnakes in sleeping bags, but let's stay positive when using "Texas" as a descriptive, OK?

See you next Monday!

Monday, September 4, 2023

It Was About Time!

Here's the main story from the July 25, 1969 Time.

Here's hoping we revisit that giant leap some time in my lifetime!  See you next Monday.

Monday, August 28, 2023

How Long Will YOUR Footprints Last?

We can always hope that our metaphorical footprints in the world will be a positive influence after we've left this Earth.  But these guys' literal footprints might have a longer shelf life!
This clipping is from the July 21, 1969 Tulsa World.

So as you sojourn through this here world, tread lightly!  See you next Monday.

Monday, August 21, 2023

Lunar Module Kicked to the Lunar Curb! Read All About It!

This is from the front page of the July 22, 1969 Tulsa World.
We're running down to the wire, friends!  Less than a dozen items left from my scrapbooks to share with you.

See you next Monday!

Monday, August 14, 2023

Don't Trip Over a Terranaut!

This article from the July 21, 1969 Tulsa World kinda does your heart good in finding something good to say about us poor ol' Earthlings.
As you wend your way flying about by the seat of our pants, be kind to your fellow Terranauts this week!  See you next Monday.

Monday, August 7, 2023

Just Another Country?

This full-page ad is from the July 18, 1969 issue of Time.
No, it isn't the right side of a two-page spread.  This was it.

Grand idea, ain't it?  Everybody on Earth feeling connected and family-like?  Until next week, do your part to help it happen.

Monday, July 31, 2023

We Have Achieved Transmission

... But it wasn't easy, according to this article in the July 21, 1969 Tulsa World.
The final paragraph compares the "brilliant, high-resolution" broadcasts from Apollo 11 to the "jerky, snowy" video provided by Apollo 7.  Don't forget that the video footage we see from 1969, which makes some roll their eyes in disgust at its low-fi, was a high achievement for its time.  Who knows in what ways future generations will look down their noses on this year's 4K, stereo-in-your-nose, smell-eriffic tech?

See you Monday, we've only a few posts left before running out!

Monday, July 24, 2023

Double-Timing It

This came from the July 21, 1969 Tulsa World.
Somebody can tell me if this prognostication ever took place.  Did Apollo 12 really spend twice the time on the Moon than 11 did?

See you next week.

Monday, July 17, 2023

Reporting In

This article from the August 12, 1969 Bartlesville Examiner-Enterprise tells you the straight poop about the Moon shot, straight from the astronauts' mouths:

Of course, the PRIVATE report, about the green cheese and the Moon Maidens, is still under lock and key.

See you next Monday!

Monday, July 3, 2023

In 1969 Dollars!

In this article from the July 21, 1969 Tulsa World, we learn all about the disposable economy.
Just so ya know, a million bucks of trash in 1969 would be worth $7,974,114.44 today.

See you next week!

Monday, June 26, 2023

But Is It Expeditious?

That's a joking riff on the Prairie Home Companion's Powder Milk Biscuits:  "They're Tasty and expeditious."  This article is from the July 21, 1969 Tulsa World.
However, their diet did NOT contain "Space Food Sticks."  While I bought some about five years ago (and ate them all), one blogger reports they've been discontinued.

Such as progress, me hearties!  See you next Monday.

Monday, June 19, 2023

I Call This One "Uncle Medals"

Because these two squibs ran one above the other in the July 21, 1969 Tulsa World.
No word on whether any of those previous gold medals have since turned up in Moscow pawn shops.  See you next Monday!

Monday, June 12, 2023

If You're in the World, You Can See It!

That was the promise of this snippet in the July 20, 1969 Tulsa World.  
Of course, folks nowadays would turn up their noses at such grainy footage in black and white with visual and audio dropouts.  

And folks a hundred years from now would talk with similar disdain about the Trendies' iGotchas and Dogmented Reality stuff.  Such is Progress!  See you next Monday!.

Monday, June 5, 2023

That's a Rich One!

From the August 4, 1969 Newsweek, here's a one-pager from scientist Robert Jastrow about how he hoped the world would derive benefits from Apollo research.

He was right about some of this.  Here's a 2022 article covering the topic.  Another survey says, "Econometric studies estimate that Apollo returned five to seven dollars to the United States' economy for every dollar invested in it." source

So, there are some upsides to learning things.  Students, take note!

Monday, May 22, 2023

Apollo 8 Couldn't Have Happened Without Him!

That is, without the father of  Astronaut William Anders, the journey of Apollo 8 woulda been really different!.  Read all about it in this clipping from the August 21, 1969 Tulsa World.
See you again right here next Monday, fellow Lunians!

Monday, May 15, 2023

Prometheus and a Carnival

That's the headline on the last page of this excerpt from Time's July 25, 1969 issue.

Do you recall when magazines used special paper, which was bound into specific parts of the magazine -- all because color printing took special methods?
The title of this final page, as I noted above, is a cute summary of the both the sideshow and the science-aspirational aspects of the whole Moon Shot deal.

See you next week!

Monday, May 8, 2023

Don't Step in the Moonglow

Of course, in this case "moonglow" is reporterese for "being in the spotlight" of public notice.
This is from the July 20, 1969 Tulsa World.

See you next week, fellow moon-baskers!

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